Welcome to GCI South Africa. We hope that you will explore our website and connect with us. We would love to get to know you.

Grace Communion International South Africa has 23 churches located throughout South Africa and is a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) and Non-Profit Organisation (NPO). Pastoral teams care for each church, and all our pastors are bi-vocational. Most of our Churches meet on a Sunday. Please see our Congregations tab for details. We offer a variety of services in addition to the main church service, which includes children’s ministry, youth ministry, women’s ministry, men’s ministry, bible studies, speech clubs etc. These services are congregation-specific and can be found under the Congregations tab.

International Affiliations

Our denominational headquarters is Grace Communion International in the USA, and we are part of an international Christian fellowship with about 900 churches spread across 100 countries. Today our international administrative home office is located in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. We are members of the (NAE) National Association of Evangelicals in the United States, and similar organisations in other countries.

Grace Communion International South Africa is a vibrant and growing part of the Southern Africa region of Grace Communion International Africa, which also includes Mozambique, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, Botswana, Mauritius and Madagascar. Grace Communion International Africa is active in over 30 countries. There are close cross-border links between many of the Churches that allow for synergies and local congregational development.

Local history

Grace Communion International was established in the 1960’s in Johannesburg as the Worldwide Church of God, but subsequently changed name to Grace Communion International in 2009. This change was in line with direction from our international

headquarters, which reflected a move to Trinitarian theology and practice. Our full denominational history is available at


Grace Communion International South Africa is a people called together by God to share in the ministry that Jesus is doing, through the Holy Spirit in our world. We are a communion of churches and denominational ministries, with a shared mission.

This takes us toward the realisation of a shared vision. We are passionate, intentional, loving and genuine. We are called to the same mission as all other followers of Jesus—often called The Great Commission. There are a number of ways to summarise this mission.


We do so in our denominational motto: Living and Sharing the Gospel. This motto encapsulates our sense of calling to be inclusive. We share together in what Jesus is doing in our world, through the Holy Spirit, to fulfil the Father’s mission. We can expand this into a more complete mission statement:

Grace Communion International South Africa is committed to living and sharing the good news of what God has done through Jesus Christ.



We seek to build healthy, Christ-centered congregations that are sanctuaries of worship, friendship and nurturing pastoral care.



We equip people for Christian service so that the gospel can be known, understood and experienced.



We acknowledge that we can learn from one another and that Christ’s love goes beyond denominational boundaries.



We seek to express the love of God to all, through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.



The result of this mission-focused work, are transformed lives, one person at a time. This is Jesus’ mission and ours too.


Our vision is a faith- and hope-filled glimpse of what we will continue to become as we pursue our mission to live and share the gospel. We summarise our collective vision this way:

All kinds of churches for all people in all kinds of places.

Grace Communion International South Africa exists to help each congregation of Grace Communion International
attain its God-given potential.

Why this emphasis on local congregations? Because it is our belief that God’s primary instrument for realising our collective vision is healthy local churches. As we look ahead, we see a growing, loving community of congregations that are actively living out God’s mission in a broken world. Our core identity is founded on our communion with the Father and Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Who we are, drives what we do —our passionate participation in what God is doing in the world.
In this way, our mission gives shape to our vision.

National Leadership

We are led by a National Ministry Team composed of:

Takalani Musekwa
(National Ministry Leader)

Gill Khoury
(Operations Manager)

Caleb Makhela
(Regional Pastor North)

Elmar Roberg
(Regional Pastor Central)

Trevor Webber
(Regional Pastor South)

Governance is overseen by a National Church Board:

  • Elmar Roberg
  • Shaun de Greeff (Secretary)
  • Caleb Makhela
  • Trevor Webber
  • Gladman Ncokazi
  • Gill Khoury
  • Johannes Rapetsoa
  • Alpheus Mashego (Chairperson)
  • Tim Maguire
  • Dawid Labuschagne